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How far-fetched is the thought of stress-free shopping? A few days ago, while watching my local news, a poll was displayed showing that most women experience stress when shopping for that perfect outfit. If it’s an after five event, the desire to be attire appropriate only increases the stress. Let’s face facts, women dress for other women. It’s absolutely nothing wrong in doing so. I’m in the business of having women like my clothing and shoe selections but dressing for my own contentment is important as well. Think of it this way, your outfit should compliment your personality. No shrinking violets on my watch so here’s a few tips to minimize stress while shopping.
Less Stress Equals More Outfits
The first tip to jump-starting the wave of less stress equals more outfits; online shopping. Shop online and avoid traffic, large crowds, and parking lots. Tip number two, take the mannequin’s outfit. I’ve done this a few times. It saves time and eliminates stress. Tip number three, mimic your favorite celebrity. Take a peek at their after five and casual wear. My personal favorites are Sanaa Lathan and Angela Bassett. The last tip of the day, take a trusted individual with you, who knows you inside and out. This person won’t steer you wrong and will encourage you to be you. That is our ultimate objective.
Stress-Free Shopping With Me
It’s time for stress-free shopping with me. I found an inexpensive over-sized black sweater The only thing negative is the shedding but it makes up for it in cuteness. At the end of the month, I’ll pair it with jeans. Last but not least, a pair of fabulous snake stilettos. I’m passing the baton ladies, your shopping journey awaits you! Until next time, take care of you.
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